Thursday Jul 06, 2023

What Happens When Advocating for Your Health Is A Matter of Survival

In the depths of despair, Cora Schenberg had just about given up , and was resolved to live a life of inexplicable pain.  But after attending a workshop led by James Yates , she found strength to embark on a relentless pursuit for answers, refusing to accept the dismissals and vague explanations she had endured for far too long. Little did she know, this journey would lead her to a shocking revelation that would change everything...

Keep advocating for yourself, even when doctors dismiss your concerns.

Introducing Cora Schenberg, an accomplished professor in the German department at the University of Virginia and an inspiring woman of strength. Cora faced a startling health mystery, endured drawn-out diagnostic processes, and rose above the experience stronger than ever. Her story of persisting through perceived medical dismissal is one laden with grit and resilience. These experiences have shaped Cora into a powerful advocate for trusting one’s instincts when navigating healthcare.

This is Cora Schenberg's story:

At 51, Cora Schenberg celebrated her transition into menopause, saying goodbye to the years of menstrual cramping that plagued her. However, after four years of blessed relief, she found herself facing a new, unexpected ordeal. A mysterious bleeding episode on a family beach trip was her first sign of trouble. As the bleeding continued, Cora found herself shuttled between doctors, each one shrugging off her concerns. Cora's persistence was met with dismissive remarks, misplaced diagnoses, and countless delays. She felt herself losing strength as she battled not just her symptoms, but also the very system that was supposed to help her. Her story, however, took a turn when she attended a workshop led by James Yates. Encouraged by his words, she reignited her search for answers, refusing to accept the vague explanations and dismissals she'd been given.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Uncover the significance of standing up for oneself in matters of healthcare.
  • Dive deep into the emotional turmoil one faces after a cancer diagnosis and the cry for support.
  • Explore the tribulations of the healthcare system and the inherent predispositions.
  • Recognize the power of trusting your instincts when it comes to seeking adequate medical care.
  • Experience the potency of unity and encouragement during challenging health journeys.


Advocating for oneself is a critical process that influences the quality of care received. The person one should trust most when it comes to detailing experiences or symptoms is oneself. Speaking up about personal experiences during healthcare consultations, voicing concerns, or questioning authority an important part of working with our medical providers to get the help we need.

Cora Schenberg’s narrative is a perfect testament to this. She shared with Bree how her journey to diagnosis was marked with multiple instances where she had to relentlessly advocate for herself. By persisting in her valuable quest for answers, Cora imparts an essential lesson - individuals should remain steadfast in communicating their experiences, challenging dismissive responses, and facilitating necessary investigations in their pursuit of correct diagnoses and care.

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